Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Vanilla Ice Cream 42-2.29 oz (65 g) each Soy Protein Isolate
Whey protein is known for its excessive BCAA content material, also known as branched chain amino acids. Hamilton-Reeves, J. M., Vazquez, G., Duval, S. J., Phipps, W. R., Kurzer, M. S., and Messina, M. J. Clinical studies show no effects of soy protein or isoflavones on reproductive hormones in men: results of a meta-analysis. Hartman, J. W., Tang, J. E., Wilkinson, S. B., Tarnopolsky, M. A., Lawrence, R. L., Fullerton, A. V., and Phillips, S. M. Consumption of fat-free fluid milk after resistance exercise promotes greater lean mass accretion than does consumption of soy or carbohydrate in young, novice, male (Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Vanilla Ice Cream 42-2.29 oz (65 g) each Soy Protein Isolate) weightlifters. Helferich, W. G., Andrade, J. E., and Hoagland, M. S. Phytoestrogens and breast cancer: a complex story.
Heneman, K. M., Chang, H. C., Prior, R. L., and Steinberg, F. M. Soy protein with and without isoflavones fails to substantially increase postprandial antioxidant capacity. Hermansen, K., Hansen, B., Jacobsen, R., Clausen, P., Dalgaard, M., Dinesen, B., Holst, J. J., Pedersen, E., and Astrup, A. Effects of soy supplementation on blood lipids and arterial function in hypercholesterolaemic subjects. Higashi, K., Abata, S., Iwamoto, N., Ogura, M., Yamashita, T., Ishikawa,, Ohslzu, F., and Nakamura, H. Effects of soy protein on levels of remnant-like particles cholesterol and vitamin E in healthy men. Kuo, S. M. Dietary flavonoid and cancer prevention: evidence and potential mechanism.
Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Vanilla Ice Cream 42-2.29 oz (65 g) each Soy Protein Isolate
Hill, D. J., Heine, R. G., Cameron, D. J., Francis, D. E., and Bines, J. E. The natural history of intolerance to soy and extensively hydrolyzed formula in infants with multiple food protein intolerance. Hill, S., Box, W., and DiSilvestro, R. A. Moderate intensity resistance exercise, plus or minus soy intake: effects on serum lipid peroxides in young adult males. Messina, M. (Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Vanilla Ice Cream 42-2.29 oz (65 g) each Soy Protein Isolate) Investigating the optimal soy protein and isoflavone intakes for women: a perspective.
Hilpert, K. F., Kris-Etherton, P. M., and West, S. G. Lipid response to a low-fat diet with or without soy is modified by C-reactive protein status in moderately hypercholesterolemic adults. Ho, S. C., Woo, J., Lam, S., Chen, Y., Sham, A., and Lau, J. Soy protein consumption and bone mass in early postmenopausal Chinese women. Holmes WL, Rubel GB, and Hood SE. Comparison of the effect of dietary meat versus dietary soybean protein on plasma lipids of hyperlipidemic individuals.
Hoie, L. H., Graubaum, H. J., Harde, A., Gruenwald, J., and Wernecke, K. D. Lipid-lowering effect of 2 dosages of a soy protein supplement in hypercholesterolemia. Hoie, L. H., Guldstrand, M., Sjoholm, A., Graubaum, H. J., Gruenwald, J., Zunft, H. J., and Lueder, W. Cholesterol-lowering effects of a new isolated soy protein with high levels of nondenaturated protein in hypercholesterolemic patients. Hoie, L. H., Morgenstern, E. C., Gruenwald, J., Graubaum, H. J., Busch, R., Luder, W., and Zunft, H. J. A double-blind (Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Vanilla Ice Cream 42-2.29 oz (65 g) each Soy Protein Isolate) placebo-controlled clinical trial compares the cholesterol-lowering effects of two different soy protein preparations in hypercholesterolemic subjects.
Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Vanilla Ice Cream 42-2.29 oz (65 g) each Soy Protein Isolate
Hooper, L., Ryder, J. J., Kurzer, M. S., Lampe, J. W., Messina, M. J., Phipps, W. R., and Cassidy, A. Effects of soy protein and isoflavones on circulating hormone concentrations in pre- and post-menopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hori, G., Wang, M. F., Chan, Y. C., Komatsu, T., Wong, Y., Chen, T. H., Yamamoto, K., Nagaoka, S., and Yamamoto, S. Soy protein hydrolyzate with bound phospholipids reduces serum cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic adult male volunteers. Horiuchi, T., Onouchi, T., Takahashi, M., Ito, H., and Orimo, H. Effect of soy protein on bone metabolism in postmenopausal Japanese women.
Hsu, C. S., Shen, W. W., Hsueh, Y. M., and Yeh, S. L. Soy isoflavone supplementation in postmenopausal women. Huang, H. Y., Yang, H. P., Yang, H. T., Yang, T. C., Shieh, M. J., and Huang, S. Y. One-year soy isoflavone supplementation prevents early postmenopausal bone loss but without a dose-dependent effect.Biochem. Huff, M. W., Giovannetti, P. M., and Wolfe, B. M. Turnover of very low-density lipoprotein-apoprotein B is increased by substitution of soybean protein for meat and dairy protein in the diets of hypercholesterolemic men.
Hutchins, A. M., Slavin, J. L., and Lampe, J. W. Urinary isoflavonoid phytoestrogen and lignan excretion after consumption of fermented and unfermented soy products.Assoc. Hwang, Y. W., Kim, S. Y., Jee, S. H., Kim, Y. N., and Nam, C. M. Soy food consumption and risk of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies. Iyngkaran, N., Yadav, M., Looi, L. M., Boey, C. G., Lam, K. L., Balabaskaran, S., and Puthucheary, S. D. Effect of soy protein on the small bowel mucosa of young infants recovering from acute gastroenteritis. Kurzer, M. S. Hormonal effects of soy isoflavones: studies in premenopausal and postmenopausal women.
Izumi, T., Saito, M., Obata, A., Arii, M., Yamaguchi, H., and Matsuyama, A. Oral intake of soy isoflavone aglycone improves the aged skin of adult women. Jacques, H., Laurin, D., Moorjani, S., Steinke, F. H., Gagne, C., Brun, D., and Lupien, P. J. Influence of diets containing cow's milk or soy protein beverage on plasma lipids in children with familial hypercholesterolemia. Jenkins, D. J., Wolever, T. M., Spiller, G., Buckley, G., Lam, Y., Jenkins, A. L., and Josse, R. G. Hypocholesterolemic effect of vegetable protein in a hypocaloric diet.
Jenkins, D. J., Kendall, C. W., Garsetti, M., Rosenberg-Zand, R. S., Jackson, C. J., Agarwal, S., Rao, A. V., Diamandis, E. P., Parker, T., Faulkner, D., Vuksan, V., and Vidgen, E. Effect of soy protein foods on low-density lipoprotein oxidation and ex vivo sex hormone receptor activity-a controlled crossover trial. The calcium percentage within acid whey is double the amount available in sweet whey.
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